Landfill Remediation
We are committed to working more closely with you to improve engagement and better guide our planning and decision-making on Cheam First Nation’s landfill remediation and other essential projects that affect our community.
Cheam Enterprises Inc. (CEI) is working to build a sustainable economic foundation for Cheam First Nation and its community members. CEI is building long-term partnerships and relationships with First Nation and Non-First Nation businesses alike to create lasting opportunities for the Cheam community, its members and surrounding communities. CEI and its business partners are focused on working to connect and create with businesses operating within our traditional territory. CEI has a wide range of business partners with the capabilities to assist in completing project-related work.
In addition, it is our belief that a solid economic foundation revolves around Cheam community-owned and driven businesses. Below are a few of the key areas in which CEI has prioritized for future community projects.
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Cheam Enterprises Inc. has entered into the growing cannabis industry and continuing to explore further opportunities within the industry.
Cheam has existing interests in the local forest industry however concerns around environmental sustainability and cultural resources have led CEI to evaluate a better path forward and a mandate to work towards negotiating a First Nations Woodlands License. A First Nations Woodlands License offers a longer-term for licensing and is replaceable every 10 years. It is area-based as opposed to volume-based with replaceable volume. The license allows for expanded stewardship responsibilities and management plans to manage volumes and allowable annual cut settings while also utilizing the management of cultural heritage resources to make informed decisions within the tenure area.
CEI and Cheam leadership are currently working to analyze and create a strategic plan for future Cheam Reserve development.
The Cheam landfill remediation project simultaneously improves the Cheam First Nation community, environment, and economy. The landfill, located right in the Cheam community, closed in 2001 and was capped with an engineered cover to control rainfall drainage, reduce water infiltration, and prevent leachate.